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What's Going On? CHAPTER LIST
  • What's Going On?

  • Author(s) : Minguk23
  • Status : Ongoing
  • Last updated : Aug 07, 12:23
  • TransGroup :
  • view : 9.400.000
  • Genre : Mature, Smut
  • 4.7

What's Going On?:

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.Friends since middle school, Yipeul and Dawoon rekindle their friendship after Yipeul returns from military deployment. To celebrate Yipeul's return, Dawoon plans a surpriseshe waits for him in his closet with some birthday cake one night. The surprise is on her, however, when Yipeul comes home, takes off his pants, and starts masturbating while calling her name. Will the two be able to go back to being friends? Or will this mark the beginning of something more?
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